Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What IS a scary movie? Well in my opinion...

As I sit watching the 2005 "War of the Worlds", my whole body tense from what is happening in the movie. I think of what is considered a scary movie for me. As previously talked about I do have a fear of zombies, saying that most zombie movies do scare me. Most being the key word in that sentence the so far only two movies of the zombie sort do not scare me: "Night of the Living dead" circa 1968; and "Shaun of the Dead" 2004. The first can be more comical then scary but it does get point across (if you get what I mean). [*note: I need to tell you about some cool things I learned about zombies and zombie movies] The second is high-larious and, frankly, one of my favorite movies. Now to other "scary" movies: I have a pretty vivid imagination so most, even slightly, scary movies do give me a fright, but what I consider a good scary movie is one that has you so tense the entire time that you can forget where you are. So tense that your body feels like you just ran a marathon. And really good ones can leave you shaking in your boots and your mind reeling. "Hide and Seek", "The Secret Window", and "The Uninvited" are all what you could consider your psychological thriller, these can be scary, but for me these movies have a fast fading savor, if you will, then others. End of the World/Armageddon movies such as "War of the Worlds" and "I am Legend" are movies that kind of hit that catagory of thrillers that I like to call "Scary Movies that didn't have a budget, and you could see why." The point I am making is that there are too many "scary" movies out there that, sure they are scary and can scare you hairless. But there are gruesome, bloody, nasty, and pointless. All there were made for was to freak a person out and show them some gosh-awful things [with a PG-13 or R rating] I am sick of low budget "slasher" films. I am done with the "Saw" movies that are now going on to their 6th movie. I am not a big scary movie watcher, but when Hollywood will produce things to the caliber of such standards like "I am Legend" and "Hide and Seek" then Scary movies are worth getting scared out of your mind for. I know there is a large population of people out there that just love the gory, nasty scary movies, but can't we have class in this part of movie making too? Such and idea doesn't only need to go to high dramas and low comedies. It can be done and still scare a person speechless. Heck it's happened to me!

"They're coming to get you, Barbara!"
~Johnny Night of the Living Dead

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