Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One of those "ultimate" disappointment moments

So, yesterday I decided that I was going to figure out what classes I needed to take to finish up my schooling. As of two semesters ago I had three semesters left. That means I should currently have two left. That leads me into today's little adventure, you could say. I call the academic advising center so rather than spending hours on the school website looking for my catalogue and all of the classes required for my major/minor I could just be directed straight there. This is when the first "bomb" is set off. I was informed by the advisor lady that I hadn't, after 6 semesters mind you, declared my minor. FURTHER, That the English credits that I have taken up to this point, note that being 8 in total, only two fulfill any requirements. And more sadly both were for my G.E's. So it boils down to that Katie has no hope of finishing school in 2 semesters (plus student teaching) but, in fact, a rough estimate of 5.
[pause of exasperated sigh]
This is where I spent the majority of my day figuring out my real schedule and then informing my parents that I am going to be in school for QUITE some time.
I want say that its "all good" that "such is life" but really I just want to be frustrated. Even if my "two" semesters ended up being three. It just feels so much better then 5. But There is Katie Ludlow's mid-week crisis.
I am sure this will be a good thing, I have faith that it will.

"Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn"
-Gone with the wind

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