Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What am I doing with my life?

It is 1:19 am and here I lay in bed in front of my beat up mac book waiting for my "Veronica Mars" episode to completely load. It is now when I realize that I am seriously slacking in some of my new year resolutions. Crap. I am a day behind on reading AND haven't excerised AND I didn't write a post for in yesterday. As of about a hour and a half ago. Dang I fail only 6 slash 7 days in and I can't seem to keep to any kind of schedule. It really is my fault in all this. It is just hard when the temptation of having no reason to wake up before eleven in the afternoon and to go to bed be for three in the morning. I will soon have a job shortly, if you were worried, and I do have the one act to occupy some of my thinking and actual time. I can go into details more about auditions that happen ... yesterday later. I really need to get into a schedule I need to try and go to bed at least by twelve at the very VERY latest. Hopefully starting there I can get into some resemblance of a non-chaotic life style. This is sort of an unspoken goal for me this year is not to be a slacker. Put forth some REAL effort. Real effort being a constant thing also, not just when I feel it convenient.
Well now that I've given me some abuse lets all pray I can get myself into shape for a real constructive life.
First: I love directing.
I am sorry you have to hear me go on about theatre and everything, but I do (as before mentioned several several times already) LOVE THEATRE! ha. Well to make it a shorter story then I would probably write, auditions when really well. I had 6 people audition which is just enough for my 6 person cast. I did have to cast a girl as a guy, but they were so brilliant in the auditions that I know after a lot of hard work, some good direction (from yours truly) and having some fun they will create a great show. Now that I do have the show casted the games begin. I am trying to figure out everything for it. What time to place it in so I can figure costumes, What the set is going to look like and where I am going to get all the furniture, If I am going to do step by step blocking or let them try their creativity out a little. So many different details I don't know where to start finding them. That is okay, I have my mom's, lil' sis's and of course Ms. J's help and opinions to go to for all this. I could probably ask Chalise also...she being the expert in these matters.
I am, in short, really psyched for this whole process and I am ready, for the most part, for this challenge. Don't worry I will keep updating you on this process over the next months and off course of the rest of my goals also. Well friends, I better sign off for now and finish my episode, go to bed and take on another slightly boring day in good 'ole hometown Missouri.

And for todays Quote:

"Take an's raining" The Curious Savage

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the bloggy world Katie! I actually played Ethel Savage in The Curious Savage my senior year. :0)

    Don't chew too fast. (Just another way of saying I love you.)

    I would say that in addition to theatre, you also could add writing to your talents. You have a fun, witty style.
