Thursday, January 7, 2010

Being an Idiot is an Idiotic thing to do...

Why does it sometimes takes people to experience a consequence many times over before it is drilled into their little heads that they are doing something wrong and sort of screwing over their futures. I am one of those before mentioned people. I recent pondering and such I have realized I haven't allowed myself the full amazing undertaking as I could because I got..., well there is no other word for it, lazy. As I have been trying to catch up on my reading in the Book of Mormon, I continually come across questions and inquiries about it. This is very obviously very normal, but it made me realize that I really want to retake my Book of Mormon Classes and Seminary. Because I have a new, better desire to really understand what i was suppose to be studying. I then further realized that this was the case for several if not all my classes I have taken both in high school and college. I need to take in as much as I can. I need to realize that to not do so is IDIOTIC! Argh.
I really have been screwing with a future that could be filled with a lot more knowledge and understanding then it will be. All because I didn't want to put forth real effort into a class. All because i was a idiot . I am a disappointment to myself. Failed.
WELL, with saying all of this I shall press on with a new attitude and fresh convictions. That is a good thing to do. Yeah.

This post didn't turn out as long as my others, but i might have another thought that will come to my head. I am just happy to have a little release point for my random thoughts, frustrations, and personal praises.

Oh I miss Rexburg a lot, and can't wait to go back.

"To thine own self be true" ~Polonius Hamlet by William Shakespeare.

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